Why Choose Irish Seed Savers for Your Seeds?

Our seeds are Guaranteed Irish; grown and saved in Ireland and are organic and open-pollinated, meaning you can save your own seeds and maintain the variety. Choosing Irish Seed Savers seeds helps sustain food security and preserve Irish agricultural biodiversity.

Download 2024 Heirloom Seed Catalogue

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  • This treasured American heirloom is a semi-vining green bean variety, producing beautiful pink flowers and delicious sweet, slender pods. The mature beans, which can be saved for drying, are a beautiful creamy white colour with dark brown speckles. A productive and vigorous variety. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
  • A rare snow pea variety first grown out at Irish Seed Savers in 2011. It came to us from the Seed Savers Exchange in the USA with few details. We don't know if it has some connection to Nordland in Norway, Nordland in Germany, or Nordland in the USA? What we do know from this year's grow out is that it grows tall up to 1.8m, produces a good crop of crisp, distinctly sweet mangetout, and tolerated the wet weather in Co. Clare. Best picked and eaten while young. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 50
  • This purple-skinned variety purportedly came from a shipwreck on North Haven Island off the coast of Maine, USA. It has excellent flavour and hardiness, keeping well into spring. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 450
  • This variety carries a wide range of genetic diversity, thus adapting well to different climates and soils. The cobs are multicoloured with reds, yellows, creams, browns and purples to delight the senses. The corn can be eaten young and fresh as cobs or used to grind corn meal when mature. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 26
  • Pilot Pea

    One of the hardiest of all varieties in cultivation. Grown since 1904, when it was awarded the Award of Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society. Also mentioned in the 'Dig for Victory' guides. Good for autumn or very early spring sowing, cropping over several weeks, with good well-filled pods. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 50
  • This heirloom pea was introduced to England in the 1840s where it quickly became popular. 6-foot-long vines bear an abundance of pods that fill with tasty peas, able to be harvested either as a green pea or left to dry to be saved and added to soups and stews. Average Seeds Per Pack: 50
  • A rare variety originally from Peru, this chilli is a mainstay of native peoples on both sides of the Andes. Its high pungency has given rise to regional names like ‘levanta muertos’ (raising the dead) or ‘gringo huanuchi’ (gringo killer). It scores 7-8 (out of 10) on the Scoville Scale invented to test the ‘fire’ of chilli peppers. A fantastic cropper producing lots of vibrant red, round fruit. It is also one of the most cold tolerant capsicum varieties and produces plenty of seed for saving! Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 25
  • A dark red bulb, round and slightly flat in shape. Vigorous and hardy. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 200
  • An early ripening bell pepper. Small plants producing an abundance of beautiful medium-sized fruits that ripen to a stunning deep scarlet red from August onwards, even in a cool overcast summer. Deliciously crisp with sweet and fruity flavour. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 25
  • A fine sturdy heirloom variety from eastern Asia. Its long, deep-green leaves and juicy white stems add their fresh taste to salads and stir-fries. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 370
  • An extremely rare heritage tomato from Tibet. Pinkish red in colour, a medium beefsteak type with fleshy. Certified Organic
  • Early and productive stripy green cucumber, originally bred in the US. Quick to set fruit and not at all bitter. The fruit can be harvested when small for pickles or left to grow as a short slicing cucumber. Good disease resistance. Average Seeds Per Pack: 16
  • Widely naturalised in Ireland, this fragrant herb was introduced prior to 1500 AD from the Mediterranean and has been cultivated as a pot herb. In the same family as wild celery, its leaves can be eaten when young in salads or as greens, and the seeds can be dried and used as a spice like black pepper. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 25
  • Cosmos

    3.75 (3.75 incl VAT)
    Sun-loving tall stemmed, traditional cottage flowers (pink), with masses of feathery foliage. Growing up to 1m in height and blossoming from early to late summer. A firm favourite. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 25
  • This unusual heirloom, dating back to the 1870s, can be grown for its tender, juicy green pods, or its dried mature beans. The rich, tasty dried beans are small and white, giving this variety its ‘rice bean’ name. The bushy plants may require staking. Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
  • Giant Yellow Sunflower

    3.75 (3.75 incl VAT)
    Just as it says on the tin...A wonderful Giant yellow sunflower. A ray of sunshine in any garden. Kindly donated to us from Brian Faulkner, Co. Limerick. Average Seeds Per Pack: 15
  • A member of the nightshade family and resembling a cape gooseberry with its outer lantern-like husk. Originating in Mexico, these vibrant and tart fruits are an essential ingredient for making the perfect Salsa Verde or as an accompaniment to many Mexican dishes. This purple variety will add colour and interest to your growing season. Don't over-sow as they are very productive. You will need at least two plants to save seeds as they are not self-fertile. Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
  • Out of Stock
    A very old variety believed to be of native American origin, these stunning red beans are a wonderful baking bean, perfect for chilli as they don't disintegrate like other beans. They not only feed the body but the senses too as their deep red cranberry colour and their round shape are truly alluring. Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
  • A unique and rare treasure. A white-skinned variety, beautifully contrasted with very sweet vibrant orange flesh. Perfect for roasting, pies and baking. Historically popular in South Africa, named for the Dutch Boers. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 10
Supported in part by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme. We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.

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