We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new social media campaign: #MyISSAseed!

Calling all seed enthusiasts, gardeners, and nature lovers – this is your chance to showcase the beauty of your Irish Seed Savers seeds!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Plant your ISSA seeds along with us.
  2. Share images of your seedlings, growing plants, and harvested vegetables throughout the growing season.
  3. Use the hashtag #MyISSAseed and tell us the crop and variety of your ISSA seed in each post.

What’s in it for you? ?

? Great prizes await the best seedling, plant, and harvested vegetable! ? Seed Savers T-Shirts, Seeds, Tote bags and an Annual Supportership are up for grabs!


To post your images of seedlings, plants or harvested vegetables on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #MyISSAseed and tag Irish Seed Savers.

You can enter as many times as you like but share only one seedling/plant per photo.

Show us the journey of your ISSA seeds from tiny seedlings to bountiful harvests!

Don’t have any ISSA Seeds? No problem!.…there is still plenty of time to purchase seeds from our online shop and join in the fun!

Get ready to sow, grow, and share your #MyISSAseed journey! ? Spread the word and invite your friends to join in the fun.

Happy sowing and planting! ??