Home/What to Sow Now
15 08, 2024

Seeds to Sow & Grow in Autumn

2024-08-20T13:14:23+00:00August 15th, 2024|What to Sow Now|Comments Off on Seeds to Sow & Grow in Autumn

As the season changes to autumn it's time to consider what vegetable varieties can be grown during autumn and into winter. Although the rate of growth slows in the winter there are still plenty of smaller plants that will thrive and give you a fresh harvest, even in the darkest, coolest months. Check [...]

17 08, 2021

What to plant in August

2024-08-20T13:14:57+00:00August 17th, 2021|What to Sow Now|Comments Off on What to plant in August

There are still quite a few things to sow in August that will provide you with a good supply of food over the winter period. Late croppers such as Spring Cabbage and Winter Roscoff Cauliflower can be sown in modules or seed trays to plant outdoors in Autumn for a crop next spring / early [...]

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