Irish Seed Savers Home2024-03-19T15:07:27+00:00

What we do

We cultivate heritage apple trees and vegetable seeds, preserve them in our seed and field bank, and share the surplus produce with the public to help conserve these varieties.

  • Conserve the National Heritage Collection of Irish Apple Trees.
  • Ireland’s only living public seedbank
  • Research to identify heritage varieties
  • Educate our community
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Our Vision

All people have access to healthy and nutritious food grown within sustainable food systems that positively support biodiversity in balance with the natural environment.

Our Mission

Irish Seed Savers is an environmental not-for-profit organisation. We Conserve, Protect and Utilise Ireland’s diverse genetic food crop heritage, safeguarding food crop biodiversity for present and future generations, and we Educate in the sustainable and ethical use of these precious resources.

News and Events

1708, 2021

What to plant in August

By |August 17th, 2021|Categories: What to Sow Now|Comments Off on What to plant in August

There are still quite a few things to sow in August that will provide you with a good supply of food over the winter period. Late croppers such as Spring Cabbage and Winter Roscoff Cauliflower can be sown in modules or seed trays to plant outdoors in Autumn for a [...]

1108, 2021

Life on the farm – August

By |August 11th, 2021|Categories: Life on the Farm, News|Comments Off on Life on the farm – August

In the orchards general maintenance is a priority while the weather is good. Checking and replacing stakes, adjusting tree ties and cutting grass happen on a daily basis. Budding is our main task for August. This is a form of grafting in which a single bud is used as the scion rather than [...]

907, 2021

Beauty is More Than Skin Deep

By |July 9th, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on Beauty is More Than Skin Deep

When you think of the ‘perfect apple’, for many, the traditional red and green, shiny, crisp and crunchy apple springs to mind. When you go to the supermarket you will see rows and rows of these ‘perfect’ apples, but dig a little deeper and you’ll soon discover they are far [...]

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Supported in part by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme. We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.

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