
At Irish Seed Savers, we practice agroecology, are Farming for Nature Ambassadors and a designated area of conservation for the Native Irish Honey Bee. We combine our work in conserving Ireland’s heritage food crops, with protecting the natural world in which we work. Our 20-acre farm has a range of habitats for wildlife – woodland, wetland and meadow grassland. Home to badgers, foxes, pine martens, hares and stoats, we frequently observe buzzards, hen harriers, kits and bats hunting over our site. The woodland in front of our offices is home to 2 nesting pairs of Jays, while the adjacent wetland hosts snipe, woodcock, herons, duck and of course, frogs.

On 18 May – we are inviting photographers to our 20-acre organic farm to celebrate biodiversity through an event themed ‘A Day in the life of Irish Seed Savers’ – capturing some of the wealth of biodiversity on our site.

The images captured will be displayed online through our social media, and an exhibition of a selection of images will be curated and displayed at a venue to be confirmed.

Refreshments will be provided throughout the day for participants.