On May 8 and 9, Irish Seed Savers supporter Patrick McCartney of Greencastle, Inishowen, held an Open Day in his gorgeous seaside garden to help raise funds for our organisation. Patrick has ornamental gardens, fruit trees and a vegetable garden of tidy raised beds. Garden visitors also enjoyed demonstrations of basket making and beekeeping, and there was facepainting and a pony trap for the kids. Patrick’s sister Marion lives next door and organised a feast of baked goods served with coffee and tea. Approximately 250 people attended over the course of two days, and proceeds from the admission fee were shared between Irish Seed Savers and Harvest Help, a charity that helps start gardens in Africa. A huge thank you to Patrick, his sister Marion, and the rest of the volunteers that helped out that day!zChrysStall Chrys Gardener (Project Manager) at the Irish Seed Savers Stall at the Donegal fundraiser.zInisOwen What a view!!zMcCartneyBrassicas The very neat vegetable beds with painted signs all set out.zMcCartneyFlowerGarden Wonderful colours from the Flower beds.zMcCartneyGlasshouse The grapevine in the glasshouse is doing brilliantly having its roots outside.zMcCartneyRockery A rockery in front of the glasshouse.zMcCartneyShrubbery Magnificent views beyond the shrubbery.zMcCartneyVegBeds Covered vegetable beds.zPatrickMcCartney Good man Patrick McCartney and fantastic show of gardening know how and enthusiasm.