• Learn how to make your own homegrown natural fabrics to spin, dye, and weave, with this comprehensive guide! Inside this book, expert textile arts instructor Penny Walsh reveals everything you need to know to start making your own high-quality custom fabrics. Learn where different fibres come from, how to grow and harvest your own animal or vegetable fibres, and how to prepare them for spinning. The principles of spindle and spinning wheel spinning are covered, along with home dyeing using natural dyestuffs you can grow yourself, and hand weaving with or without a loom. Four simple projects—a rug, cushion cover, scarf, and hat—are provided to help you put your newly learned skills to the test. With the mighty textile industry able to produce cloth more quickly than ever before, and stores selling furnishing and clothing textiles in every town centre, why engage in the labour-intensive and time-consuming process of making your own textiles? The answer is a desire for self-sufficiency! Nothing could be more different from modern factory-made cloth than creating your own unique handmade textiles. Although manufactured textiles employ some of the most sophisticated techniques of any modern industry, using huge quantities of energy and creating waste and pollution, the entire fabric production method can be done by hand at home, using almost no energy but your own. If you want to learn how to be fully self-sufficient in making your own textiles, this book will show you how.
  • Welcome to the world of safer, greener household cleaning. This friendly book will help you become more self-sufficient and benefit your health, the environment, and your bank balance. Natural Household Cleaning is packed with clear, easy-to-follow cleaning recipes to replace common commercial cleaning products with natural alternatives. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover that your kitchen cupboard already contains many harmless options for transforming your home into a clean and fresh-smelling haven. Lemons, salt, vinegar, baking soda, and club soda are just some of the natural ingredients that can be used to clean the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, floors, and everything in between. Many of us don't realize just how easy it is to make your own cleaning products and achieve truly amazing results. Turn a chore into a pleasure and discover a whole new way to clean!
Supported in part by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme. We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.

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