• Bred by Alan Kapular and brought to us by our seed ambassadors visiting from Oregon a few years back, this variety has been described as ‘beautiful, vigorous and prolific’. The tender green beans are mild and delicious, and the mature bean seeds make a delicious addition to stews. Certified Organic Average seeds per pack 30
  • This unusual heirloom, dating back to the 1870s, can be grown for its tender, juicy green pods, or its dried mature beans. The rich, tasty dried beans are small and white, giving this variety its ‘rice bean’ name. The bushy plants may require staking. Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
  • This prolific dwarf variety produces uniform plants with lovely yellow pods and wonderfully golden/brown beans when mature. The young pods can be steamed or stir-fried, and the mature beans can be cooked up in soups or stews.
    Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
  • A heritage bean that has been in our collection since 2005. Grown and selected by gardeners at Mourne Grange (Camphill Community, in Co. Down). They had been growing it out successfully for more than 15 years when we received it. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
  • This treasured American heirloom is a semi-vining green bean variety, producing beautiful pink flowers and delicious sweet, slender pods. The mature beans, which can be saved for drying, are a beautiful creamy white colour with dark brown speckles. A productive and vigorous variety. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
  • Originally from China, this variety was donated to us by supporter Pam from Wales, who has saved this beautiful bean for 20 years. The pods are streaked dark purple-red against light green, making them a highly decorative plant as well as being delicious to eat. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
  • Out of Stock
    A very old variety believed to be of native American origin, these stunning red beans are a wonderful baking bean, perfect for chilli as they don't disintegrate like other beans. They not only feed the body but the senses too as their deep red cranberry colour and their round shape are truly alluring. Average Seeds Per Pack: 30
Supported in part by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme. We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.

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