• Sweetpea

    3.75 (3.75 incl VAT)
    This tall, climbing sweet pea has traditional old-fashioned mix of pink, white, mauve and purple colours and that most lovely evocative fragrance. Best given support to get the most out of this lovely flower. Easy to save seeds. Average Seeds Per Pack: 20
  • Pinwheel Marigold

    3.75 (3.75 incl VAT)
    Given to us by ‘Peace Seeds’ in Oregon, USA, these plants provide an absolutely stunning display of dark red, orange and yellow concentric-striped flowers, blooming in vivid profusion from May to October. Tall plants up to 1m high, with the pungent ‘tagetes’ smell that can help to put off pests. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 150
  • Poppy Mix

    3.75 (3.75 incl VAT)
    This is a mix of poppies in various shades of colour: pink, magenta, mauve and purple. Some have frilly petals or double blooms! Easy to grow, this flower is best direct sown. Self-seeds easily if the stunning mature seed heads have been left to develop. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 1000
  • Calendula Marigold Flower

    3.75 (3.75 incl VAT)
    Calendula officinalis, also known as the pot marigold or common marigold, is a flowering plant in the daisy family. It is probably native to southern Europe, though its exact origin is unknown. It is a robust plant with bright green leaves and cheerful orange and yellow-gold flowers. The flower petals can be eaten, it is good for companion planting, and it has lots of medicinal uses. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 150
Supported in part by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme. We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.

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