Why Choose Irish Seed Savers for Your Seeds?

Our seeds are Guaranteed Irish; grown and saved in Ireland and are organic and open-pollinated, meaning you can save your own seeds and maintain the variety. Choosing Irish Seed Savers seeds helps sustain food security and preserve Irish agricultural biodiversity.

Download 2024 Heirloom Seed Catalogue

Browse Seeds

  • This heirloom pea was introduced to England in the 1840s where it quickly became popular. 6-foot-long vines bear an abundance of pods that fill with tasty peas, able to be harvested either as a green pea or left to dry to be saved and added to soups and stews. Average Seeds Per Pack: 50
  • This purple-skinned variety purportedly came from a shipwreck on North Haven Island off the coast of Maine, USA. It has excellent flavour and hardiness, keeping well into spring. Certified Organic Average Seeds Per Pack: 450
Supported in part by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme. We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.

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